Despite being retired, Linus Monday, a police inspector, was captured engaging in an illegal “stop and search” operation. Social media posts about the incident spurred conversations about police corruption and pension concerns. This calls into question the difficulties retired officers face after leaving the army and the necessity of reforms.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
The recent discovery of retired police inspector Linus Monday engaging in an unapproved “stop and search” operation has garnered a lot of attention on social media. Even though he was no longer employed, the former officer, who was identified by a police ID bearing the number 6257, was apparently spotted in full uniform. When the incident was initially posted on Instagram, it immediately generated emotions, with many individuals denouncing his behavior.
It was disclosed that Linus Monday was paraded at a police division, though the event’s location was not disclosed. Some social media users voiced their concern that such actions could not be carried out by a single individual and urged authorities to look into potential accomplices; one user even called the behavior addictive and connected it to bribery and corruption.
A fake police officer named Rabiu Sani was arrested in Kaduna State after impersonating an officer for more than ten years. Several Nigerians have pointed to systemic issues, such as delayed pension payments, which may have contributed to Monday’s decision to engage in unauthorized police activities. Others have shared mixed reactions, ranging from humor to concern, with some calling it a sign of dedication to the job and others criticizing it as a reflection of the larger issues within the country’s police force. The case has brought up significant questions regarding the treatment of retired officers and the difficulties they face after retirement.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>