
Israel Prime minister Sends Direct Message to Iranian People, Says Iran Will Free Sooner Than You Think


Amid mounting tensions with the regime, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sent a clear message to the Iranian people, expressing steadfast sympathy with them. In a statement released via Israel Radar’s verified Twitter account, Netanyahu conveyed that Israel stands firmly with the Iranian people, emphasizing that their current leadership has shown disregard for their future. He further predicted that the Iranian regime will “fall sooner than you think,” signaling a shift in tone toward a more vocal stance against Tehran’s leadership…. CLICK TO READ THE FULL NEWS HERE▶️▶️


Netanyahu’s message comes amid escalating protests and unrest within Iran, where citizens have been demanding greater freedoms and economic reforms. The Israeli Prime Minister’s remarks appear to be part of Israel’s broader strategy to weaken the influence of the Iranian regime, which has been a source of instability in the region.

Netanyahu’s words are likely intended to encourage Iranians in their struggle for change, offering moral support from Israel, which has long viewed Iran’s leadership as a major threat due to its nuclear ambitions and support for militant groups across the Middle East.

In addition to his support for the Iranian people, Netanyahu highlighted Israel’s contributions to the future of the Middle East, asserting that Israel has done more in this year alone for regional stability and progress than the rest of the world combined over the past few decades.CLICK TO READ THE FULL NEWS HERE▶️▶️

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