Senior lawyer of Nigeria (SAN) Femi Falana described his experience during the rule of former military president General Ibrahim Babangida. Falana stated that Babangida assassinated Major-General Mamman Jiya Vatsa on purpose, notwithstanding the assertion that the deceased soldier was implicated in a coup, and that the ex-general had imprisoned him and other students for criticizing his regime, as reported by The Punch on Sunday, February 23.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
Ibrahim Babangida is criticized by Femi Falana for the killing of a boyhood friend. Babangida claims that in order to protect Nigeria’s future, he was compelled to put Vatsa to death. Babangida first admitted that Moshood Abiola had won the June 12, 1993 election during the Thursday, February 20, autobiography launch. Babangida is generally referred to as IBB.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>