Pastors in Nigeria and all of Christianity are urgently called to action. Through it, I feel obligated to convey my profound fear and reluctance regarding the recent request from some quarters for days of prayer and fasting for Nigeria. Although I appreciate the goal of this program, I firmly feel that it falls short of what is needed to address the actual problems facing our country.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
Although prayer and fasting are essential components of the Christian faith, they shouldn’t be used in place of significant activity and interaction with the outside world. Spiritual interventions alone are insufficient to address Nigeria’s complex and diverse problems.
It is concerning that a large number of Nigerian pastors and Christians appear to be unaware of the wealth of resources and skills that God has bestowed upon our country. We are sometimes advised to wait for divine intervention to resolve our issues rather than acknowledging and utilizing these gifts.
The understanding that the true problem facing Nigeria is not a lack of spiritual fervor but rather a history of weak leadership leading to terrible governance informs this urgent call to Nigerian pastors and all of Christianity. Social injustice, inequality, and corruption are not the product of divine decrees but rather human behavior.
I implore Christians and pastors in Nigeria to reconsider how they view faith and how they use it in public life. We must acknowledge that, rather than avoiding the world, our faith requires us to interact with it. We should concentrate on practical measures that solve hunger and Nigeria’s development issues rather than merely depending on spiritual interventions.
I exhort Christians to consider our country’s problems seriously and look for evidence-based and rational answers. In addition to leading the charge in promoting social justice, human rights, and good governance, pastors and Christians should also assist in finding workable solutions to these numerous issues.
We must acknowledge that human issues, including corruption and incompetent leadership, rather than spiritual failings, are the main cause of Nigeria’s difficulties. In the Nigerian Christian Community, I hope this message would inspire the required introspection. Together, let’s create a society that is both affluent and just.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>