A viral video that depicts Toke Benson-Awoyinka, the state’s commissioner for tourism, arts, and culture, fighting with a guy who was filming her has prompted the Lagos State government to launch an investigation. The incident happened at the J.K. Randle Centre for Yoruba Culture and History and has received a lot of attention on social media. The video shows the Commissioner arguing angrily with the Center’s director, Qudus Onikeku, and then trying to stop one of his security guards from recording the exchange.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
Benson-Awoyinka and Onikeku’s argument intensifies in the video as the Commissioner becomes clearly agitated upon learning that one of Onikeku’s security guards was filming the altercation. Tension quickly rises as Benson-Awoyinka seems to get up and confront the person, ordering them to stop filming. Since going viral, the video has sparked debate over the appropriateness and nature of the altercation.
After the video went viral, the Commissioner’s office released a statement that clarified the circumstances leading up to the altercation. As part of her statutory responsibilities, which include supervising all facilities under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture, the Commissioner was inspecting the J.K. Randle Centre, the statement said.
According to the statement, Onikeku was found to be running an unapproved canteen inside the Center without the Ministry’s consent during the inspection. Following a conversation regarding the establishment’s use of the space, the Commissioner allegedly started the process of evicting the unapproved canteen. When Onikeku allegedly fought the removal and his group started attacking Ministry staff, the incident apparently escalated rapidly.
Non-state actors who were not permitted to be present accompanied Onikeku and started filming the events without authorization, the statement further highlights. It was made clear by the Commissioner’s office that it is improper to record a meeting without the presiding authority’s approval. Benson-Awoyinka insisted that her actions were consistent with accepted administrative practices, making sure that only those with permission attended formal meetings.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>